Mabuhay from the Philippines!
God is so good. How He Loves His Children!!!
2nd Crusade
Jesus Blessed Hope – Villaflor, Novaliches
God touched His children with His Love and His healing power!
Again, may people where healed of migraine headache and lower back pain.
Over 60 people accepted Jesus as thier Lord and Savior!! Glory to God!
Healing Testimonies:
Older man came forward for prayer and he could not move both of his arms above his shoulder. After praying for him, he then was able to move both of his arms above his head with no pain! To God goes all the Glory!!
Older lady had arthritis in her knee and God healed her!
Several ladies had back pain. After laying hands on them and praying, God healed them! Glory to God!!
Rizalina prayed for serveral children with fever and God healed them all!!
Salvations: 60+ people
Families Feed: 100
3rd Crusade
Tameion City Church – Damong Malit, Novaliches
WOW God showed up so mightly!! This was Pastor Lourdman Cabuenos church! During Praise & Worship God spoke to me so strong about how He wanted to love on His children. And He did so incrediablly!! So many people! Church was overflowing!!
More than 140 people gave thier hearts to Jesus Christ!
God multiplied the rice again!! We only had enough for 100 families and we passed out over 143 bag and had over 15 bags left over!!
Healing Testimonies:
There was a man who came forward for prayer about healing from stroke. God healed him and God told me that he was called in full time minstry. He saids yes God has called him!
Two mother’s how were deaf came forward for prayer holding thier babies and after praying for them, they could hear! Glory to God!!!
A lady with hip pain came forward for prayer and God healed her. The look on her face was awesome!
Two different older ladies came up for prayer about blury vission. God healed them! One of them saids everything so bright!!
An older man came forward for prayer for arthritis in his knees and God healed him!!!
A lady came up who could not put her arm above her head. While praying for her I felt a pop in her shoulder. I ask her to put her arm straight up and she was able to. Her face was on in shock! God is so Good!
An older lady asked for prayer for arthritis in her knees. God touched her and healed her!! Rizalina prayed for a girl who had eye pain and God took away her pain. She now could see the writing on the wall!!
Rizaina prayed for several ladies who had back and muscle pain and God healed them!
Salvations: 60+ people
Families Feed: 140+
Our God is the God who Heals! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!
Thank you for all you who partner with us!
Please continue to pray for us for His presence and His anointing in every crusade!!
You have a great reward from God for your assistance.