All the glory belongs to Jesus!
A victorious and a successful Gift Giving Crusade last December 27, 2007 has brought 231 souls to the Lord ! 30 people received instant healing from different sickness and diseases. All who attended the crusade held at New Life Christian Center (Borongan City) had experienced the great love and power of God. I’ve seen them hungry for the touch of God upon their lives. And now the church is very busy having a follow up bible study from the different family who responded the call of God. Last Sunday December 30, 15 new soul which were the result of the crusade came to church to celebrate with us. We are so honored to know people like you who has a big heart for God. In behalf of New Life Christian Center(Borongan City), i give my wholehearted gratitude to your family, to the church, and to all the people who had been a part for the success through their prayers and financial support. Glory to God !
We are looking forward for a more often gift giving crusade in our place to be done monthly for i believe that through this kind of ministry a great harvest will take place in our city for the glory of God. May u can help us find some ministry partners who have a big heart for God. I can assure anyone who will partner with us that they are sowing in a fertile and a good ground.
In Him,
Pastor Robert G. Guarino