June 2005
Philippines June 2005 Report
God is so good! His Name shall be praised over all the earth! What an incredible trip! We were blessed to see God pour out His abundant Grace in each service in the Philippines! What an honor and privilege to be used by God to bring His Hope, Peace, & Love to His Children.
We had over 3,671 salvations! To God goes all the Glory, Honor & Praise!
To all you partners who gave Thank you! Without you this would not be possible!
With God’s help and your generous support we were able to feed over 3,200 families! We passed out over 8.5 tons of rice to needy families!
Healings & Miracles:
God multiplied the rice at several of the crusades! At one of the crusades, God told my wife, Lileth, to get me and pray for the rice to be multiplied, since the line was so long. After we prayed and laying hands on the rice, God did an amazing thing!
God createed 275 more 2kg bags of rice for us! Praise God!!! God truly wants to feed His people!
Jesus is the Healer! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! (Heb 13:8)
The Lord again placed His healing touch on His people and healed many! God healed so many in our crusades, we lost count! I never get tired of seeing God touch His people!
One young man, about 17 years old, came forward to get prayer for typhoid fever. He was very hot and sweating from the fever. After I prayed for him, the Holy Spirit told me to tell him to go do a layup on the basketball court we were on and to run back. When he got back he was cool and the fever left him!! Hallelujah!!!
A young boy (who was a twin — like me) could not hear our of his right ear. After I prayed for Him, Jesus touched his ear and he heard everything I whispered in his ear! Glory to God!!
Lileth prayed for a young lady who was paralyzed on right side. Both of her hands were closed and would not open. After Lileth prayed for her, she started to open and close her hand on her own!!! What an Awesome God we serve!!!!
Thank You:
Thank you again, Partners, for your faithful prayers and continued support! You have a great reward in Heaven! Lileth & I are in agreement that the seeds you sow in this ministry will return back to you pressed down, shaken together, and running over! (Luke 6:38)